Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Head's Held High

It's a wonderful thing to be able to embrace each day with my head held high. I absolutely love the feeling of confidence that accompanies living life to the fullest. I experience an amazing amount of pride when I can honestly end each day knowing I did everything in my power to bring goodness to myself and those around me.

I realize that my life is not exactly where I wish it would be right now, but I am choosing to attack each day with an energy that will lead me to where I am destined to be. I have a vision of myself in the future sharing life with a loving family supporting them through a job that brings me sincere satisfaction. I have no doubt that the answer to my dreams is in God's plan for me and would not be surprised to see him surpass my expectations.

As the journey to my destination unfolds, I am not waiting for everything to just fall into place. I am dedicated to aligning my daily activities with events that coincide with my values and beliefs. I plan to use every opportunity as a building block toward my ultimate goal of being the best person I can possibly be. As I encounter obstacles, I will welcome them as challenges that were given to me to help shape my character and with God's help rise above to claim victory as an even better person.

I am looking forward to everything in front of me and will cherish every moment as it arrives. I know I have the strength and ability to thrive and must keep pushing ahead confidently with my head held high!

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