Friday, January 22, 2010

The Energy of Encouragement

There is positive energy waiting to be unleashed simply through the act of encouragement. I am always amazed at what I can accomplish after I notice that somebody believes in me... and how much easier a task may seem when I know there is someone in my corner. I also have faith that bringing out the best in others will bring out the best that is inside of me.

Looking back at my life, there have been multiple people whose encouragement helped propel me to new heights... family, friends, coworkers, teachers and coaches. In many of these occasions, they were rather simple conversations that had an enormous impact on me as a person. As a matter of fact, the best choices I have made were a direct result of blessings spoken into me by amazing people God brought into my life.

I plan to grow my relationships by putting forth positive words of encouragement and jumping on every opportunity to help others recognize and take advantage of their gifts. I sincerely believe that a heart felt comment made at the right time can help someone reach their full potential. For as long as I look to identify ways to bless others, there will always be someone out there that I can build up with words to boost their self confidence or direction in life.

I will also challenge those around me to shoot for the stars encouraging them to create lofty goals and chase their wildest dreams. I am positive they have what it takes to be successful... God has blessed everyone with the ability to live a life full of glory and I cannot wait for the chance to turn the next simple conversation into a source of life changing inspiration.

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