Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Finding Happiness

I have stressed the importance of happiness my entire life and believe it will be a lifelong pursuit. By attempting to identify sources of pure joy, I hope to be better able to generate more satisfaction from life and experience a greater sense of well-being. After taking an honest look at myself, I have decided that the following areas of life have the ability to make an enormous impact on my level of happiness.

I must concentrate on developing and maintaining important relationships with family and friends. There is a "peace of mind" that accompanies knowing that I have been able to help someone or that someone will be there for me when I may need help. Also, I find that there is a wonderful feeling of grace knowing that my family is together and at peace with one another. In order to benefit from this source of happiness, I must strive to connect with others and continually bring joy to the lives of those closest to me.

My ability to experience a sense of "community" also plays a large role in my sense of well being. I absolutely love going to church and being in a positive environment where I can experience the feeling of belongingness. I will continue to worship weekly and seek opportunities to become more involved in the events at Suncrest. I also recognize this same source of happiness by staying involved in team sports and just working together with others toward a common objective.

I believe that one of the greatest sources of happiness can be experienced through identifying and enjoying "little things." I will work to increase happiness by worrying less about big sources of joy and finding a steady stream of small sources. I have realized by incorporating things such as prayer and exercise I have dramatically changed my life. A relaxing walk on a sunny day or a smile exchanged with a stranger can provide unbelievable benefits for being such a simple act.

I have also discovered through my search that long-lasting joy appears to be directly related to heart felt feelings. For example, the happiness I experience from serving does not materialize upon receiving praise or seeing the results. The true feeling of happiness comes from knowing I did something to benefit another person. I also believe that the process of showing commitment and dedication brings happiness to my life. I absolutely love the feeling of pride that stems from living life passionately!

I'm positive I can experience happiness for the rest of my life on a daily basis. I simply have to take advantage of all the blessings currently in my life and work to recognize future sources of joy.

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