Friday, January 15, 2010

Kneeling to God

When I woke up today, I immediately wanted to write about the power of prayer in my life. It has played an integral role in helping to guide me through this quest for spiritual growth and worldly change. For almost a year, I have incorporated personal discussions with God as a staple to my day. I pray for help, guidance, restored health and comfort in my own life and also for my family, friends and people all throughout the world.

I participate in a daily bible study sent by email that discusses a particular passage and includes a daily prayer request along with a "Today Along the Way" section. I have included the "Today Along the Way" section from today's email below since it directly coincides with what I wanted to write about today.

It may be relatively easy to recall people you know who have stubbornly ignored the power of God and adamantly refused to trust in Him. But we may need to reflect a bit more deeply to remember times when our own hearts have been so blinded. Maybe you're even feeling that way right now. If you are facing a strong giant in your own life, put your trust in the omnipotent Lord and Creator of all. Don't let fear stand in the way of doing what is right.

It made me think back to a year ago when I did not embrace God's love for me. I was "religious" and believed in God, but in no way participated in a functional relationship with him. It was as if I was purposely ignoring him and only turned to him in times of extreme need. Despite my actions, I am so grateful that he did not give up on me and found a way to save me from this ignorant way of life.

I remember the day when I decided to put all my trust back into the Lord. I was so filled with feelings of hopelessness... and feared that I was beyond being saved. However, I had this overwhelming feeling inside that was calling out for me to acknowledge God and ask for forgiveness. I had absolutely no idea how to even begin and did not act... until I met Bobby.

That evening I attended a meeting where I would meet a man named Bobby who spoke in a very straight forward manner and seemed to be thriving despite coming from a background much like the situation I was currently experiencing. Bobby could tell that I was feeling conquered and asked me if I was religious. When I told him yes, he immediately asked me when was the last time I physically got down on my knees and prayed to God.

I immediately connected my earlier feelings with this comment and recognized this conversation as God's answer on how I should recharge my relationship with him. That evening before I got into bed, I knelt next to my bed with my hands folded and poured my heart out to the Lord. I spoke sincerely and honestly and ultimately asked for forgiveness and help to overcome my situation.

I found out that night that physically getting on my knees to talk with God allows me to show him my obedience and make my prayer experience much more personal. During a time of extreme need, God found a way into my life and started a revolution that has changed my life forever. He has not only helped to conquer my fear, but replaced that feeling of fear with hope and inspiration. A miracle that all started simply by me kneeling besides my bed...

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