Thursday, March 11, 2010

Speaking of Inspiration

I am on a mission to create a speech that will inspire people. I want to make it so memorable that the time shared will never be forgotten. I have spent a lot of time thinking about the topics to include and the style that should be used to deliver them. I have filtered through a multitude of experiences and will continue to sift through ideas trusting that diligence will lead to the powerful presentation that exists in my heart.

The time spent working on this task has proven to be more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. It requires me to dig deep into the story that exists behind the person I am today. I have discovered recollections of events that carry an energy so intense that I get the chills upon thinking of how to express them in words. The process has truly uncovered an emotional awareness that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

This mission that started with the goal of helping others has opened doors in my life that would have otherwise remained closed. I have found that approaching these doors has allowed me to travel into new territory and expect that walking through them will produce an even greater insight into the person I am meant to be. As I continue crafting the speech, I am so grateful for the blessing that has emerged from the process itself. I can only imagine the wonderful things God will do with the end result and am excited to find out!

I encourage everyone to take the time to go on a similar journey. It does not have to be writing a speech or anything along those lines. We have all been blessed with our own specific set of gifts that will lead to our own unique ways of reaching out to those around us. Simply make the effort to physically inspire others... it may just lead to more than you could have ever imagined.

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