Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oldie But Goodie

Music has always played a significant role in my life. I remember being about 6 years old and going absolutely crazy for Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA." I would skip throughout the house playing the air guitar and totally get caught up in the moment upon hearing it. My mom soon came to realize that she could always cheer me up by playing that specific record.

As my life progressed, I developed a tolerance to a wide variety of music. Mostly, I found myself buying anything that inspired me emotionally. From Vanilla Ice to Celine Dion, every album in my music collection carries a purpose that I can tie to a certain state of mind. There are certain songs attached to memories that will last forever. Upon hearing these songs, I can immediately recall those experiences and feel as if I am actually there again reliving the moment.

When I first hear a song that I really enjoy, I get very excited to listen to it and often will play it over and over again. However, I find that as time goes on I seem to lose the excitement that was once tied to the song. Before long, I begin to take it for granted. It eventually gets lost in the music collection and becomes just another memory filled song from my past.

However, I have come to realize that the songs from my past are just as good now as they were when they first were released. In order to enjoy them, all I have to do is find them and listen as if they are brand new. The same excitement and emotion fill my heart making me remember why they were once special to me.

As I continue fighting through this tough time in my life, I cannot help but to think back to different stages in my life. Exploring years of experiences that have made me who I am today, I am reminded of the diverse range of emotions from each time period. I can remember times when I was so excited about living life. But as challenges seemed to take control, I eventually lost my passion for certain hopes and dreams just as I did for songs throughout my life.

I believe that I will find hidden passion stored in forgotten hopes and dreams just like I have found lost excitement in certain songs from my past. All I need to do is identify what they may be and chase after them. After remembering how strongly I feel about them, I think I will once again experience the same past emotions and get excited about accomplishing them. It may not lead to me skipping around playing the air guitar, but I am pretty sure it will help me live with a new energy that will be sure to make life more interesting.

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