Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Difference

I had a wonderful eight hours at work today. I am feeling much more confident now that I have a better understanding of the products offered and their locations inside the store. The past four weeks have seemed to pass at the speed of lightning. In the course of a month, I have had one learning experience after another filled with valuable lessons that only hands-on training could have provided.

I sincerely enjoy interacting with customers throughout the day. I am constantly surprised by the diversity of people that I meet. Even though some are unreceptive, it is rewarding to be able to share a positive attitude with so many people and attempt to make a positive impact on their day. I am continually uplifted by these interactions and always look forward to connecting with each customer often simply through a heart felt smile.

When I am assisting customers, I am as genuine as I can possibly be. I have found that people respect the honest nature of a sincere connection. Even though conversations are rather short, I believe that there is a huge opportunity for making an impact. Whether it be to promote the company or pass on some positive energy, these first impressions have the ability to go a long way.

Looking back on my first four weeks, I have met a lot of wonderful people. However, I have also encountered a fair share of negative individuals. Over the past week, I noticed myself avoiding this type of customer as much as possible. After thinking more about these interactions, I must change this behavior.

I will be giving more attention to these seemingly unhappy people and give my all to sharing the joy God has provided me. Instead of avoiding these customers, I will put extra effort into extending my own peace and happiness. Even though it may be challenging, I know that these times will offer the greatest opportunity to make a difference... and that difference is what truly matters.

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