Monday, April 19, 2010


I am going to take a journey back just 12 months. It was a pivotal time in my life. I was in the midst of the beginning of a journey traveling away from the hurt of a past life. The future was unknown, and the only thing holding me together was the unconditional love of my family. I knew deep in my heart that there was something special waiting for me, but I had absolutely no idea how I was going to get there.

About the same time, I started discovering God's unconditional love. He provided guidance to continue taking steps in the right direction. He gave power to resist temptation. He handed over strength to conquer challenges. Most of all, he filled me with faith and through it my life has been restored. I no longer have to wonder about how I am going to get to where I am going... my faith leads me.

If someone would have told me a year ago that I would be where I am, feeling how I feel I would have called them crazy. I could only imagine the conversation... You will have a career... Really??? You will have car... Really??? Your family will be proud of you... Really??? You will be filled with joy... Really??? I would have said that all these blessings were merely a dream...

However, I would have been wrong. The last year of my life has shown me that God really can make the impossible possible. I made the choice to give my all to him and now I have more than I could have ever dreamed... and I trust that he has many more amazing blessings planned for me.

This morning I arrived at work and began working on a few tasks in between assisting customers. About an hour into my shift, I was called into the district manager's office. He asked me how things were going after my first four weeks. After giving him my reply, he handed me a paper with my name on it. It was a promotional offer for the Assistant Manager position.

If the smile on my face could talk, it would have screamed "Really???" Needless to say, I was ecstatic. I want to say that I can't believe it, but in my faith I definitely felt it was possible. I was aware of the open position. I thought I had the skills and ability to excel at the job. I knew that if I worked really hard I would be able to earn it. I just didn't think it would happen in four weeks!

I am very excited about the opportunity and am confident I will be successful in the position. I will be challenged, but I have God on my side. I trust that it will be another step in the journey to becoming the person I am meant to be... and that faith will lead me toward my destiny.

1 comment:

  1. You Rock!! You should be super proud of yourself! Congrats on everything you have accomplished in the last 12 months!
