Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Narrow Path, Small Gate

This morning I was reading through my daily devotional covering Matthew 7:7-8 "Ask, Seek, Knock". The verse reads, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

I have found through my experience on this life changing journey that these magical words are completely true. If the heart honestly desires help from God, these words transform into promises that will become reality as rewards for carrying out God's will through our thoughts and actions. He will not let us down. In fact, he will often go above and beyond our loftiest expectations.

After finishing the day's suggested verse, I continued reading to only come across another verse that supplied exactly the inspiration that I needed to help take me beyond the mediocre effort to which I sometimes fall victim. Matthew 7:13-14 reads, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

It's interesting to reflect on my life and look at sources of motivation as I made my way to becoming a man. I remember early on in childhood I did everything I could to make my parents proud. Later in my teenage years, I remember trying to do things that would help gain popularity with my peers or impress girls. Even later during early adulthood, I was living and basing decisions on how much money it would produce later in life. I find it strange that I never considered those reasons to be absurd or silly. Even though I still want to make my parents proud... even though I still want my peers to respect me... and even though I still want money, I know that those things are relatively insignificant compared to earning eternal life.

Throughout this journey of change, I have shifted my priorities to reflect the will of God. I have also decided to follow the example put forth through the life and death of Jesus in everything I do. However, there are times when I find myself settling for less than my best. For example, I have not been successful at carrying out my desired exercise program and find myself giving in to the urge to eat unhealthy. I will also sometimes look back on a situation where I knew I could have done more, but I decided to hold back. I sincerely believe that this lackadaisical behavior could be keeping me from experiencing even more blessing in my life.

As I continue forward in this journey, I will use the imagery of a shining narrow road leading to the most beautiful exclusive gate imaginable in order to keep me on track. When I feel like I want to give in, I will envision myself entering the gate into everlasting life with others that have walked the same road. It will motivate me to go beyond good and reach great. It will move me past normal and become exceptional. It will lead me to finding the person God wants me to truly be.

As I walk along this narrow path, I invite everyone to join me. If there is a piece of garbage on the ground, give up a few moments to throw it away. If a person is in need, take the time to reach out with love. If the Holy Spirit is talking, listen to it with an open willing heart. Life on Earth is simply too short to be lazy. We need to stay on the narrow road and constantly search for the gate that promises us true life. By never letting this destination slip away, we will eventually arrive and look back on the world with a smile that will shine for eternity.

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