Saturday, April 24, 2010

From Scared to Overjoyed

This morning I woke up and immediately glared at the clock. It said 7:20 and I felt very uneasy... to the point of freaking out. It only lasted a few seconds, but in those few seconds I went from scared to confused to doubtful to unbelievably overjoyed. As I sat up not quite sure of my surroundings, I suffered from a feeling that I was supposed to be somewhere else. Was I late for work? Am I back in time? Was the last two years of my life a dream?

It may seem ridiculous or even crazy, but this is not the first time this has happened. There have been several similar rude wake ups over the last month. Mostly they occur on the days that I do not have to set my alarm clock. I think that I am trying so hard to do well in life that I my mind is in overdrive. I really need to relax and concentrate on living one day at a time to the best of my ability. By following this mindset, I will be able to enjoy the peacefulness that accompanies always following the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Getting back to the intense emotions of the moment, I woke up feeling scared. I was not scared due to direct danger. I was scared because I felt like all the hard work I have done to change my life might suddenly have been reversed. It reminded me of the horrible feelings I felt when I was trapped in the lifestyle of my past with no visible way out. I am so glad it was only a second or two before I moved on to confusion.

The confusion stage allowed me to look around my room and realize that I was in a safe place. I was not quite sure what exactly was going on since I was still waking up. After another couple seconds passed, I had recognized that everything was alright and it was simply another day. However, I needed to confirm in my head that I was not late for work or missing some sort of previous scheduled appointment. After this jam packed process, I took a deep breath, smiled and turned my thoughts to God as my head plopped back down into my pillow.

It was a wonderful feeling to escape from a short relapse of negative thinking only to quickly acknowledge that everything was absolutely terrific. In fact, I was filled with such a feeling of joy that I could not think of anything else to do except thank God for his work in my life.

I must admit that it was a relatively interesting start to my day, but in the end I was left reassured that today was going to be fantastic. I am free from my yesterdays and tomorrow is tomorrow. Today everything is wonderful, and I will carry this blessing into all I do.

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