Friday, April 2, 2010

Shadow of the Cross

I am more excited about this Easter weekend than I have ever been in all of my life. I am filled with a fresh feeling in the core of my soul that radiates newness of life and boundless hope. I cannot fully explain just how powerful it is, but I can honestly say it is something that will stay with me forever. I am positive it is largely due to it being the first year I am celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with a complete dedication to following him and completely trusting God. Combined with the change in the weather, this is definitely my new favorite time of year.

I attended the Good Friday service tonight at Suncrest entitled "Shadow of the Cross". It was an amazing service that was filled with the strong emotional energy that resides in the contrasting nature of life, death and rise to eternal glory. With a candle lit stage decorated with mirrors, I felt connected to Jesus as I gave all of my heart to worship.

There was a life sized wooden cross hanging over the stage providing a clear visualization of the intensity of the situation. I found myself imaging the excruciating pain and the psychological torture of such a humiliating death. At that point, I was blessed with a changed outlook on what it means to truly suffer.

We were encouraged to look into the mirrors lining the stage and think about who we really are and who we want to be. In the past, I have often conducted a similar activity. I am reluctant to say that there were so many times in my life that I was sickened by what I saw looking back at me. However, tonight I saw myself in a new positive light. I have been restored to a person capable of serving God and living a truly meaningful life.

Jesus took the weight of the world on his shoulders so that we would have the opportunity to escape the chains of past sin and experience resurrection in our own lives. As this weekend continues, I will be celebrating what Jesus has done for us in everything I do. I pray that we all see the impact of the cross in our lives and embrace Jesus for truly being our Saviour.

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