Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ACTIONS... words

There is an expression that is commonly used to emphasize that what we do is much more powerful the anything that we say. You may have heard it a few times in your life and filed it away just as I did into a category of memorable yet overlooked cliches. However, it may help to pull the phrase from storage and use it today to make an impact, because there is no doubt that "Actions Speak Louder than Words".

Even though I may not have always implemented them over the course of my life, I have been consistently blessed with quality ideas. Every once in a while, I would act on this God given inspiration which more often than not produced desirable results. However, it took solid effort to turn these sparkling rays of possibility into reality. There is no doubt that simply talking about it made no difference at all. It was my lack of consistency in following through on these ideas that kept me from accomplishing what I was truly meant to achieve.

The good news is that I have found that it is never too late to start dedicating time and energy toward fulfilling this unrealized potential. We can revive past reflections of ingenuity and transform them into actions. We can decide to stop talking about something and work to make it happen. We can make now the time we will make our words change into the difference we have always wanted to make.

We have the ability to do so much more than talk. Everything we need to turn our words into actions rests solely on our decision to make it happen. Simply by living the way God inspires us to live, we will influence others through the truth that lives in our actions. We cannot talk about helping others.... we cannot think about living a positive lifestyle... we cannot plan on making a difference... we need to just do it. We need to silently speak louder with every step we take.

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