Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Bible

This morning Suncrest church kicked off an eight week message series called "txt: How to Read Your Bible". I am so glad that they are placing such a strong emphasis on this topic. I believe that it will help me learn how to develop a deeper relationship with God and show that God's
Word can provide guidance and direction for every situation in the journey through life.

The message started by pointing out that the Bible is an uncommon book meant to be read by the common man. It was intended for everyone and was originally written in a way that would make it readable for the normal everyday person. Today it exists as the most owned book in existence. However, it is also the least read. There may be something scary and intimidating about something that is so sacred and holy.

Before I turned my life over to God, I found myself filled with unmeasurable amounts of desperation and hopelessness. At that time in my life, I knew that I was wasting my life and wanted to find a way to overcome the strongholds in my life. However, I seemed to keep digging myself deeper and deeper into a dark unforgiving hole of despair. When I finally found myself surrounded by the absolute worst imaginable circumstances, I opened a small green pocket Bible labeled New Testament.

I had been introduced to God as a young child through the Catholic church. I memorized prayers and learned about Jesus. However, I had never opened a Bible to read what was inside. In my teenage years, I began to slowly drift away from God eventually giving up completely on pursuing a relationship with him. Before I could ever experience it's truth and power, I had decided that the Bible had no practical place in my life.

Upon opening this strange little green Bible that somehow found it's way into my hands, I started to read a section labeled Matthew. I found it very interesting and began to feel what I now know was the Holy Spirit fill my entire body. For the first time, I experienced the guidance and direction of the Bible. After finishing this section called Matthew, I started on another called Mark and then moved to Luke and then John. Over the course of eight days, I read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John three times and in it I found the strength to survive the worst time in my life.

I look back on that time in my life as a turning point. I am so grateful for that little green book that found a way into my life at a time of need. I am so glad I decided to open the book and begin reading the words that would literally change my life. It blows my mind to think that something so wonderful had escaped my attention for so many years.

Over the next eight weeks, I am looking forward to learning more about effectively reading my Bible. I have realized through experience that reading it with desire, patience and an open heart helps drive my relationship with God. It has grown to become an essential part of each day allowing me to center my thoughts and actions. With the direction of Suncrest, I trust that I will be able to take this daily time of blessing and learn how to maximize it's influence in my life. Their is a wealth of wisdom in God's Word, and I want to do everything I can possibly do to apply it to my life.

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