Friday, April 23, 2010

The Me I Want to Be

I started to read "The Me I Want to Be" by John Ortberg this evening. My community group for church will be using it to guide us through the next several weeks of meetings. I am looking forward to the upcoming discussions and sharing them with others that sincerely care. Topics such as 'Finding My Identity', 'Renewing My Mind', 'Deepening My Relationships' and 'Transforming My Experience' will definitely serve as a catalyst to finding exactly what the title suggests - "The Me I Want to Be".

The first chapter of the book is titled "Learn Why God Made You." I believe that this is a perfect way to start out the study. It definitely centered my thoughts around what truly matters. Becoming "The Me I Want to Be" will not be a selfish endeavor, but a search for how I can accept God's wisdom and use it to bring him glory. My priorities need to be aligned so that my happiness will not depend on particular achievements or experiences, but a lasting joy provided from God as reward for bringing blessings to everyone and everything around me regardless of circumstance.

As the book shifted toward living a flourishing life, it made me think about how my life is different now from years past. I have found peace from the pressures of the world through complete trust in God's plan for me. I listen to his guidance through the Holy Spirit knowing that his understanding goes beyond my ability to ever comprehend. I put the needs of others before my own and judge the results by the joy shared in our hearts. My happiness absolutely has nothing to do with how much money I make or the possessions I obtain. Happiness is a result of the journey toward discovering the person that God wants me to be.

Ortberg writes, "God made you to flourish - to receive life from outside yourself, creating vitality within yourself and producing blessing beyond yourself." This quote summarizes the realization that helped me move from a sad selfish lifestyle and into a world of peacefulness and joy. By filling our hearts with love, we will begin to live a constant transformation that will take us to extraordinary places. We were created to be great using the unique gifts God provided, and the path we take to get there will determine the level of greatness.

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