Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Spiritual Warfare

I am currently in the middle of a study in my community group focusing on the book "Spiritual Warfare" by Jerry Rankin. We were reluctant to begin the study since it deals with acknowledging the devil along with his evil ways. However, the book does a great job highlighting the way the devil attempts to carry out his demonic actions in order to prepare us as Christians to help stop him from stealing God's glory in our lives.

Last week the chapter was entitled "Satan's Favorite Fiery Darts." I found the material to be very informative and believe that the topics should be in the back of our minds as we give our all toward living a holy lifestyle. The devil will use every attempt to take advantage of us at our most vulnerable moments and tries to influence us to live self centered lives through his cunning tactics.

Unforgiveness and anger are perhaps the most common ways the devil finds a way into our lives and becomes successful in his efforts to block God's goodness. By failing to forgive, anger and resentment seem to build deep inside the heart and give satan the ability to use those feelings to influence our attitudes and actions. We are often directed toward harboring these feelings eventually leading us to practice self pity and intense loathing.

In most severe cases, we hide away these feelings of bitterness and resentment only to bring them forth later in life after experiencing something traumatic or similar to the hurts we have covered up with a false sense of forgiveness. It is through this misdirected behavior that satan receives fulfillment since it allows him to steal our joy and keep us from enjoying the happy victorious life God wants us to live.

Direct anger is another weapon satan uses to keep God's people from receiving the holy spirit. This tactic is quite tricky to acknowledge and defeat since it often manifests itself before we are aware of its presence in our lives. Afterall, the feeling of anger is often a reaction of the flesh to a situation that threatens our own physical or emotional well being. It can easily be shrugged off and accepted as a 'normal' part of life. A good example used in the book is the all too familiar concept of "Road Rage."

The book defines that anger is always focused on a specific object, usually another person. Without recognizing this innate response, we are more likely to let the anger control our actions and carry out the evil intentions of the devil. Anger leads to negative criticism, discouragement, verbal abuse and selfish behavior. Even if we think it is under control, it can often show up in condescending words, extreme sarcasm and our attitudes. To conquer our anger, Jerry Rankin says "We had best leave indignation up to the Lord... we are to walk in holiness, selflessness, loving one another and led of the Spirit, the fruit of which is self-control."

The chapter also hits topics such as doubt and pride along with some other ways the devil specifically attempts to create dissension in our lives. Even though it is a tough subject, I have found that I am more equipped to fight off satan's attempts to enter my life after giving time and effort toward identifying his evil intentions. I am so grateful for the wonderful friends I have made through my community group and together we form an army smiling under the light of God's grace.

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