Monday, February 15, 2010

Bed Bath & BEYOND

Last night I decided I would pursue a potential employment opportunity by attending the Bed Bath & Beyond hiring event that was advertised in the newspaper this past weekend. The advertisement stated that they would be taking applications and giving on-site interviews all week long from 8am-5pm until they filled all the open positions. I was not quite sure what to expect so I approached it just as if I was going to a regular interview. As I finished getting ready this morning, I tightened up my neck tie and said a quick prayer to St. Joseph for employment before heading out the door.

On my drive over to the event, I found myself rehearsing the typical interview questions and spent some time thinking positive thoughts. I planned to arrive about 9am thinking that the interviewers would appreciate an extra hour to let their Monday morning coffee kick into effect. When I arrived at the temporary hiring location, I was shocked to see a line of people wrapped around the building. I couldn't believe that there was over 100 people waiting to apply and started to contemplate going home instead of waiting in the freezing cold for a job I might not even get.

Upon finding a parking space, I thought about the choices in front of me and decided that braving the cold to pursue the job opportunity was the right decision. I approached the long line that was wrapped to the side of the building providing shelter from the bitter wind. The people who were waiting were very diverse in every sense of the word... but considering the situation in very good spirits. I immediately noticed that I was over dressed and also lacked the hats and gloves most people were wearing. I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb and again found myself questioning whether or not I should leave.

Taking my place in the back of the line, I greeted a stranger with a big smile and a look of astonishment. I felt a good vibe from this strangely happy line of the unemployed and even overheard a few people joking about it being the longest line they have ever seen for a hot dog (which was sort of funny because there was a hot dog place directly next to the entrance to the unmarked event). I spent the next 75 minutes in that line where I shared a positive attitude with others and absorbed some of their energy along the way. It was quite amazing to take in such a positive life experience for it being such a lousy situation.

The interview went well and after another 45 minutes I walked away from what I would call the BEYOND part of Bed Bath & Beyond with a memory that will last for the rest of my life. I may or may not get asked for a second interview... we will have to wait and see. However, I did get the chance to spend some time on a cold February day standing in a line with complete strangers from all different backgrounds with a common hope of finding employment.

With every one's positive attitudes and uplifting spirits, I found the time I spent in line quite enjoyable and am glad I decided to give this effort my all. At the very least, it will make a good story to share with a laugh later in life. Who knows... I may have found employment or even better made the first step to starting a promising career... or maybe established a business contact to help later in my job search... or met someone that will become a lifelong friend. One can never know for sure what God is doing in our lives, but I do know that all these things are now possible because I decided to give my all toward what seemed to be a horrible situation.
Prayer to St. Joseph for Employment

Dear Saint Joseph, you were yourself once faced with the responsibility of providing the necessities of life for Jesus and Mary. Look down with fatherly compassion upon me in my anxiety over my present inability to support my family. Please help me to find gainful employment very soon, so that this heavy burden of concern will be lifted from my heart and that I am soon able to provide for those whom God has entrusted to my care. Help me to guard against bitterness and discouragement, so that I may emerge from this trial spiritually enriched and with even greater blessings from God. Amen.

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