Monday, February 8, 2010

Conditioning the Conscience

I imagine it is different for everyone, but I believe we are all aware of an internal voice that attempts to give us advice throughout our day. I have heard many people refer to it as the conscience, and I am fine with using that term. However, I have learned throughout the course of my lifetime that this little voice is the guidance of the holy spirit providing the direction needed to overcome temptation and walk in the grace of God.

If I made a list of all the unsavory situations of my past, I can recall hearing the warnings of my conscience that could have saved me from the strife that resulted after refusing to listen to its guidance. In fact, that little voice inside my head has spoken to me during the most critical turning points of my life. It is at those times that my choice to disregard its advice lead to life changing consequences. Luckily, God never gave up on me and has shown me the mercy and forgiveness needed to transform my life.

I have come to realize that I can always rely on my conscience to lead me toward the right path and believe that the more I listen to its direction, the more it will speak to me. When I was continuously making bad decisions, the little voice inside my head seemed to grow softer making it easier for me to disregard. Before I knew it happened, I was making horrible decisions without even feeling an ounce of regret causing a spiraling effect in my life that eventually left me drowning in a sea of remorse.

However, I have found that the conscience can be conditioned in the same way we build up our muscles. Through hard work and dedication, we can work out our conscience by relentlessly turning to its direction throughout our day. After awhile, it will become second nature to 'exercise' its guidance and the quality of our lifestyle will show the size of our 'muscles'.

As I move forward in my journey, I am dedicated to listening to and following the guidance of my conscience. I have noticed that the direction of the holy spirit goes far beyond just showing up during times of need. By continuously acknowledging its presence, my conscience has grown to become a leader in my everyday life sparking ideas and actions that propel me toward fulfilling my destiny.
James 1:21-22
"Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."

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