Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sick... No Way!

Yesterday, I woke up with a tickle in my throat and a slight headache. I immediately thought to myself, "Oh no, I hope I am not getting sick!"

I absolutely hate not feeling well. Since the ominous feeling yesterday morning, I have been battling my body's urge to just shut down. I have forced myself out of bed and worked to continue on with my day as if I was feeling perfectly well. The soreness in my throat and pain in my head has seemed to increasingly intensify over the past 36 hours. However, I refuse to let myself succumb to this illness.

I remember a time back in elementary school when I really did not want to go to school. In order to stay home, I knew I would have to act like I was sick. Using my absolute best acting ability, I convinced my mother that I was actually ill. As the day went on, I continued to behave as if I had all the flu-like symptoms and thought I was just so slick while I enjoyed watching Tom & Jerry. However, I began to actually feel a headache and too much of my surprise ended up with a 102 temperature by the end of the day!

I am a firm believer in the power of the mind. I am absolutely positive that simply by thinking like I was sick, I was able to physically make myself ill. Ever since that experience in my childhood, I have lived with an understanding that I could accomplish extraordinary things with strength of mind. Looking back at my life, I can now see that I should have used this ideology in several situations to help me overcome the challenges before me. As I continue in my journey to be the best I can possibly be, I will use the power of my mind to to not only heal my current state of health, but overcome future obstacles that are vulnerable to my positive thoughts.

Throughout the past two days, I have been speaking healing words over myself and praying for restored health. I have faith that I will defeat the physical symptoms that are threatening my ability to enjoy the wonderful day God provided for me. Only time will tell how much longer I will have to endure... but I am confident that I will endure and in the mean time will live at my best.

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