Tuesday, February 23, 2010

American Pickers

I really enjoy watching "American Pickers" on the History Channel. Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz search for America's lost treasures in this new program where a television crew follows them as they scour the country determined to find interesting items and antiques for their company Antique Archaeology.

As I watch the show, I am struck by their passion for the work they do as well as their relentless determination to pull valuable relics out of obscurity and back into stores, museums and living rooms across the globe. I feel inspired by the way they are able to make a living with a job that they absolutely love. It is evident through their attitudes and actions that they have been blessed with a rewarding career that brings a great deal of satisfaction to their daily lives.

I also admire their extraordinary determination as they search for the undiscovered gems that fund their business. They have developed their own "picking science" that provides a sort of method to their memorabilia-seeking mission. They often find themselves way off the beaten path in rural towns across the country digging deep into abandoned barns and scrounging through junk filled basements.

I believe that everyone could benefit from living a life full of this same type of intense determination. We all have 'hidden treasures' in our lives that are just waiting to be discovered... we just need to 'dig deep' to find them.

Also, antiques are often discovered on the show covered in mildew, dust and dirt. However, the pickers are careful not to overlook these items. They concentrate on uncovering these filthy treasures and reap the benefits often through large financial gain.

Just like the pickers do in their search, we must take time to evaluate the opportunities in our own lives. We may think they seem unattractive at first glance, but if we take the time to 'remove the dirt' we may just discover a chance to 'uncover a hidden treasure'.

"American Pickers" encourages me to chase after my dreams and work to discover my true passion in life. The program helps me recognize that determination will be required to discover blessings in my life and also makes me realize that I may need to 'dig deep' and 'remove the dirt' to find them. I look forward to watching more episodes on Monday Nights at 8pm... and as the pickers continue searching for their next valuable piece of American history, I will also be out there determined to find treasure in my own life.

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