Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I was recently reading a Harvard Business Review magazine article entitled, "Use Biomimicry to Make Better Products (And Companies)." Even though this concept of Biomimicry sounds like it could be complicated, it is simply looking to nature for innovative ways to develop or improve products. For example, the Speedo swimsuit Michael Phelps and other Olympians used in Beijing was called the "shark suit" since it was developed to mimic the way sharks move through the water.

Companies are turning to consultants specializing in this field to help brainstorm and implement ideas that carry a positive impact to products, processes, and the overall "footprint" of the business. The companies are experiencing unprecedented profits simply from taking the time to identify and utilize the more efficient, effective solutions existing in the environments surrounding them. I have fallen in love with this concept and what's not to love... nature has been evolving over the past 3.8 billion years to produce the most amazing and awe inspiring God given advancements on the planet.

As I was moving through the article, I found myself agreeing with this philosophy and getting excited to practice using such principles to enhance my thinking and hopefully bring improvement to my life. I may not be producing products or managing a business, but I am the CEO of my life... and I can use all the inspiration I can find.

I love watching animal planet.... and recently I was amazed by the extreme dedication of the adult male emperor penguin. It will hold the egg of its unborn offspring on it's feet under a warm piece of abdominal skin while the mother sets off to sea. This 'watch' can last for over 120 days during which time the daddy penguin doesn't eat losing up to 40 percent of his body weight. He devotes all his time and energy into protecting the egg from the frigid cold until his mate returns to take over control... now that's just crazy amazing!

I know I will never have to watch an egg while my penguin wife goes to play in some far off region of the artic, but there are certain areas of life to which I can apply that degree of unrelenting dedication. I can definitely remember the sacrifices of the male emperor penguin as I continue to fight through this period of unemployment and keep my talents and abilities 'warm' as I wait for my next job.... or how about I focus my attention on the egg of faith as I trust that God will reward my dedication to him with an abundance of favor in my life.

No matter how we decide to look at it, 'Biomimicry' is just too awesome to ignore! Whether we are looking for the next great idea or ways to improve our attitude, God has blessed us with a world that holds all the inspiration we need. All we need to do is observe...

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