Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Truth

When thinking of "The Truth", what exactly comes to mind? What role does "The Truth" play in our lives?

Do you think of honesty, integrity and other essential values? How about the importance of these values in defining character? Does it bring to mind instances of enlightenment or does it make you recall heart ache when "The Truth" didn't quite agree with what you thought something should be? Does it make you recall times in the past where "The Truth" may have escaped your understanding along with the corresponding consequences?

No matter what it may be for us individually, I think we can agree that "The Truth" is something we all experience from time to time and continue to expect to discover as we become more mature with age. The overall concept should be something that makes us think about life in general... the path we are on in our journey and the resulting lessons we have been taught through experience.

Therefore as I think more about this concept, I truly believe that we do not learn the truth... we can only feel it.

"The Truth" is not something that can be read in a book or gained through research. It can not be told to us through words. We must develop it through a conscious understanding of our experiences. Only then will it give us the opportunity to embrace what is actually real... and allow us to develop wisdom.

We must take what we encounter in life and use it to arrive closer to where we are supposed to be. Our reactions to "The Truth" is what will matter... they will help us learn more about ourselves and this world that we live in... and get us where we want to be when our day comes.

Even though "The Truth" can be tough, going forward with a positive attitude will give us the best chance to flourish. Life is definitely the greatest challenge we will ever face, but with trust and faith we must continue to move forward as we feel "The Truth" and use it to become the best we can be.

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