Thursday, March 10, 2011

Monkey Trap

I read a story last week that has spun around in my head causing me to contemplate what it is I am meant to be and how exactly I am destined to get there. It described an ancient Chinese remedy for catching monkeys where coconuts where hollowed out through a small hole just big enough for a little hand and then filled with rice. Once a group of hungry monkeys stumbled upon these irresistible sources of food, they would smell the rice, reach inside and grab it only to find out that their fist full of rice would not fit back out the opening. The monkeys that were unable to let go of the rice would then become the ones that were caught.

This simple trap worked only because the monkey's hunger was in control of its actions. With this very conclusion, I could only take the next step and relate it to my very own life. What exactly is my rice and what is keeping me from opening my grip to let it go?

I have spent a lot of time thinking about this and to a degree I am at a loss for an answer... but I feel that finding the answer will lead to freedom from whatever may be holding me back.

As I continue searching for my purpose in this life, this very story will remind me that my hunger cannot be the driving force behind my actions. It must come from a much higher and more meaningful force lacking the selfish tendencies that have proven to be my very own trap.

In my search, I have longed for a consistent joyful happiness fueled by an inescapable rationalization that tomorrow holds the answer. Going forward in this journey, I must live with the urgency that today is the time to find what I have always been looking for out of life. I need to live for a higher power with such dedication that my hunger no longer matters. My search for the person I am meant to be only needs to depend on who I am at this very moment. When I can live for a greater cause my search will make sense. My goals and dreams will have meaning and purpose with trust and faith delivering my true destiny.

I will trust going forward... and stand upon faith with a heart filled with love and my arms held high.


It's not everyday that something inspires us to look deeply into who we are... and even more why we are. When those moments happen, what is it that makes it so incredibly meaningful that it is remembered for the rest of our days? How can that something touch us in such a way that it can forever change our path and ultimately redefine who we will become?
You matter... no matter what happens... you will always matter.
Praise God.

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